heart & bones case study

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PROJECT DESCRIPTION: As a team, we set out to help Hearts & Bones Rescue redesign their website by conducting UX research to identify the pain points and prototyping a responsive website design based on this research.

BACKGROUND: Our team felt that this organization does a lot of good: connecting potential dog owners with their ideal dog. It’s a great local organization but their current website unfortunately does not reflect that. As UX designers, we can help their website show off what they are about and what they do for the community in a user friendly and aesthetic way.

PRIMARY RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: Understand the needs of people who are looking to adopt dogs and how the website can help them achieve that goal.

- Why or why not they have chosen to adopt online
- Why and how are they choosing to adopt from their chosen rescue
- What questions did users have during the adoption process
- In an ideal world, what would the adoption process look like?

TOOLS USED: Figma, Miro, Trello, Zoom, Google Forms, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop